
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Morning…

I was up since 5 in the morning on Christmas day and left my room around 6:30 am to go take a shower and get ready. As soon as my Grandpa, sister, and I was all set we started packing the truck with gifts we got mom (ok one gift but at the time she though she was getting two). When we got there my parents and siblings were all wide awake and ready (as planned) to open presents. We stuck the two presents for mom in the kitchen out of the way. At that time the kids got to open their gifts first and the look on their faces would make you laugh. They got EVERYTHING on their want list and more, the boys got the Nintendo DS each, my sister got her damn zhu zhu pet thinger that my dad tried weeks to get because it was in so high demand that the stores would be fresh out the moment they opened the door (hell people would BUY them just to take them home and SELL them on ebay double to triple, to ten times the amount you could get them at the store, and morons would actually buy them. A ten dollar toy hamster you can get on ebay for over 100 dollars…yeah, seems quite worth it [insert sarcastic snort here].

Every year there usually seems to be one “main” FAMILY gift that the parents would buy, this year the family got the Nintendo Wii, the kids ‘bout shit themselves LOL. After the kids opened their presents it was time for the parents, my dad opened his from grandpa and I, we got him a DeWalt tool package, he was extremely happy, he did need new tools! Then it was mom’s turn, I slid her a heavy box, when she unwrapped it she was freaking out, the box was of an HP Touchsmart desktop. She told us if that was the computer she’d kill us, we laughed and made her open it.

Inside was a note and 3 bricks, the note read “Now that you shit your pants, open the gift grandpa and I got you”. The computer box was a gag gift and mom was relieved, so I moved it out of the way so she could open her real present. You know those wooden dolls that has another wooden doll inside? and you open that one to reveal another, and keep going until you have a tiny solid wooden doll? Yeah, well that’s how I wrapped her gift, when she opened it, there was another box, and there on another box, and she was getting frustrated so I had to do the rest until all that was left was a sock that held her gift inside. When she pulled it out there it was, her very own iPod Touch, she was surprised and happy to have one…mostly because she loves the game skee-ball and would always bug me for mine so she could play it, so now she doesn’t have to, she has her own.

Oh, forgot to mention, I got a shirt with a wolf on it (because I’m a wolf fanatic and collect anything with a wolf on it) and got 4 new lounge pants (I was in desperate need of more). Most of my gifts I got early from grandpa, a fire safe, a robe, & pants. I don’t ask for much anymore, because there isn’t much that I want (that is reasonable to give me as a gift because of price LOL). Well, everyone’s Christmas was great, I wish it was better for me though, it didn’t “feel” like Christmas, last year was almost the same, except then it did feel like Christmas…but barely. This year it wasn’t Christmas to me..period, so it wasn’t exactly enjoyable for me (and no it wasn’t because of what I got, I love my wolf shirt and grateful to have the lounge pants). I don’t know, I guess it’s getting to the point to where I am growing out of the whole Christmas excitement, yesterday I would have been happy to just lay in bet for several more hours and then wake up to work on my template store, I only went mostly because, 1. I wanted to see the look on mom’s face when she opened her present, and 2. My parents would be mad at me –smirks-

Oh well, hope everyone’s Christmas was awesome, have a wonderful new year!

P.S. Wow I wrote a lot LOL

Thursday, December 24, 2009

I’m in The USA Today!…

I was interviewed by USA Today’s Jayne O’Donnel a few times this week and real excited to see me in today’s issue! This was about virtual retail sales being hot this year, especially during these types of holidays. She was interviewing several people from several virtual worlds, such as secondlife, and Jayne was interviewing me about IMVU and what I do there, but why explain everything here, just click the following link and read about what she had to say about this virtual blowout, and read about the interview I had, I am in 2 sections, so just search my name, Kevin Waggoner

I am totally milking this, don’t judge me! D:<

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Projects and Business…

Hello y’all, sorry for the quietness…

I’ve been busy on my end, been working on a new project which I am hoping will earn me quite a bit of money. Basically I am working on a new website to sell homepage and catalog layouts to users on a site called It’s been hectic but hoping to get this up and running very soon (was hoping before Christmas but as it looks that ain’t going be happening).

If this goes well, depending on the traffic I get on the website, I’ll also sell adspace to Developers and groups (this will help as far as featuring developers and such as well as help keep the website running). If you want a peak at the Work In Progress (WIP) click the following link: WIP

Also, if this website is a success, I’ll start another project where I open another website selling actual website layouts and wordpress themes. I’m really thinking ahead and planning things out, it’s pretty much what can make or break my plans. This is a tough job (not so much as a job really since I get no REAL paycheck *sigh*) but I am positive everything will work out as planed… just need to FINISH the damn site haha!

Well that’s about it for now, and as an added filler, I want to share with you episode one of Freeman’s Mind, a YouTube series I have become addicted to. Enjoy, and thanks for visiting me at My Little Cornerstone…!

Monday, November 23, 2009

A Torn Heart…

I am heart broken…

I went to the pet store and the moment I saw this gorgeous kitten in the cage of other kittens. I immediately felt a connection. God I want this kitten so much… I went to touch her and the second I felt her fur and she then began purring… I knew she was meant to be my baby. I have NEVER felt a stronger connection towards an animal before… she was the one… and I can't have her…

This fucking sucks, and the more I think about it, the worse it gets, and to top it all off, I had already named her when I was petting her at the pet store…

I have always wanted a cat to call my own, I love cats. Yeah I have a snake, but there isn’t a connection, a snake can not show love to it’s owner (well… maybe, but that has to be one tame ass snake) I wanted the snake because I think snakes are exotic and I just wanted one. I love my snake don’t get me wrong, but he isn’t exactly a pet i can call, my baby

I have a dog, yes, her name is Jenna. I love her to death, but there isn’t a connection like I had with this kitten. Jenna is more of, my sister’s dog, since Jenna prefers being around her regardless anyways.

My mom told me that I wouldn’t want a kitten around the house in case my bitch of a grandmother might do something to harm the kitten, which made me feel worse…

This goddamn fucking sucks…

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Where to start, where to start…

Ok, well, I applied to a website that is based on article writing, basically on a wide range of categories and subjects, people called “Examiners” provide articles on their subject. They have yet to have a “Graphic Design Examiner”, so that’s what I am applying for. I have received their response and have to turn in one last sample article for them to make their final decision, I feel a good fortune in it for me since the director in charge of the arts and entertainment category had stated her and the team involved were very impressed with my writing I take that as a good sign, unfortunately I am having huge writers block so I don’t know what to write about D:

Now to my laptop…

Remember about how I mentioned that I was having issues with my laptop? Well, I had gotten in back like not even a week ago and it STILL has problems, the morons at the repair company place gave me a defective hard drive so now my laptop will not work *flails*. So now I have to wait for a new box so I can resend my laptop so they can correct their defective correction..figures right?

Bleh…I guess I’ll return to figuring out how to write my last sample article, I really want this title, I’ll keep y’all posted, be sure to subscribe if you haven’t :D

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