
Monday, November 23, 2009

A Torn Heart…

I am heart broken…

I went to the pet store and the moment I saw this gorgeous kitten in the cage of other kittens. I immediately felt a connection. God I want this kitten so much… I went to touch her and the second I felt her fur and she then began purring… I knew she was meant to be my baby. I have NEVER felt a stronger connection towards an animal before… she was the one… and I can't have her…

This fucking sucks, and the more I think about it, the worse it gets, and to top it all off, I had already named her when I was petting her at the pet store…

I have always wanted a cat to call my own, I love cats. Yeah I have a snake, but there isn’t a connection, a snake can not show love to it’s owner (well… maybe, but that has to be one tame ass snake) I wanted the snake because I think snakes are exotic and I just wanted one. I love my snake don’t get me wrong, but he isn’t exactly a pet i can call, my baby

I have a dog, yes, her name is Jenna. I love her to death, but there isn’t a connection like I had with this kitten. Jenna is more of, my sister’s dog, since Jenna prefers being around her regardless anyways.

My mom told me that I wouldn’t want a kitten around the house in case my bitch of a grandmother might do something to harm the kitten, which made me feel worse…

This goddamn fucking sucks…

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