
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My Little Cornerstone...

Well I was greatly inspired today, which honestly doesn't happen to often. I am not much of an open person or really like to talk about "Me". I always felt I should close myself shut and only leave visible my name and physical appearance. I have never really "Blogged" before, I tried doing LiveJournal but I really never felt alright with it. I do use Twitter and on occasion I will speak out my mind, but mostly I used it for endorsing my 3D products on IMVU, ask random odd questions to my followers, or just discuss real life issues that have nothing to do with me directly.

I guess I should introduce myself; My name is Kevin Waggoner, I am 19 years old and was born on February 15, 1990. I do novice web design and am a fair decent 2D artist and Graphic Arts Designer. I am an upcoming writer working on short stories and poetry. I recently purchased my domain name for my soon to come online store to sell graphics, t-shirts, and other types of merchandise. I live in California with my grandfather and currently unemployed and an ex-college student, okay I don't necessarily fall under that category since I only attended a semester then dropped out due to medical issues (as of which I am still dealing with, can't tell you exactly what the name of the issue is). I do texturing on for the virtual catalog in hopes to earn enough credits (virtual currency) to sell to a registered credit reseller I am partnered with for cash, yes, real cash..It ain't going so well *sighs*.

I mentioned I was inspired today, I guess I should explain how, so here goes:

I have been reading only one specific person's blog for, well, not so long really, only started paying actual attention to it recently. I enjoy learning how one's life goes, even if sometimes their life has that curve that could cause a problem, even if the problem is big, or even small. I guess you can call it an observation of one's being, some people may just call it nosy, but what do they know. This person inspired me to open up more, express how I am feeling and what I do on a fair regular basis, because she doesn't seem to have a problem with it, so why should I? I want to feel comfortable with myself, and this might help me do just that.

I guess you can say that the person who inspired me can be my Idol, maybe not, I honestly don't know..hmmm, maybe I do in a way, oh well. Her name is Kimi, she has been blogging as she told me for several years if I remember her telling me correctly, and she just recently opened her new personal blog called The Short, Fat Cyclops. Reading her blogs opened my eyes to the bigger picture, that I am not the only person who has their ups and downs, even though I already knew this tidbit of information, I just needed it to "slap me in the face"...

So welcome to "My Little Cornerstone...", I hope I do for you what my inspiration did for me, even if she doesn't know it yet.

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