
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Restless Nights...

Ever since January of this year I have been having trouble sleeping. I will find myself sitting here up at the computer until one in the morning before finally feeling tired/exhausted and sleepy. After I shut down my computer (Or leave it on if I know I need to do something in the morning and don't want to wait for my computer to load) and walk one to two feet to my bed. As soon as I lay down I am wide awake, I'm still tired but don't feel sleepy at all, no heavy eyelids or blur-ish vision. So I get back up and return to my computer.

Each day it gets worse, I'll end up staying awake later and later before going to bed, sometimes I end up finding myself going several days without sleep. Right now I am exhausted and sleepy, but can not find myself to fall usual. I don't know what to do anymore, the bags under my eyes get darker, my eyes are blood-shot often, and half the time I will be asleep during the day and be awake all night, my sleep schedule is screwed to the bone. I am afraid to take sleeping pills (funny and sad, I know), because I do not want to take one and then somehow not wake back up, I like my sleep but not THAT much!

Also there are times where I refuse to go to sleep due to a couple reasons:
  1. Work: Things I need to finish so I don't forget, or procrastinate later.
  2. Lazyness: I become to lazy to even go to bed (yes lazy, you figure that out haha)
I wish everything would fix themselves, starting with my sleeping habits! I am getting tired of feeling exhausted all the time (Heh a pun).

I guess I will wrap it up here, if you have any suggestions as to how to help fix my sleeping problem, please leave me a comment to this post, and thank you for visiting me at "My Little Cornerstone...".

1 comment:

Squares said...

I think I may be having the same problem as you, except I can actually go to sleep.. I just wake up later randomly at like 5 in the morning, then I can't go back to sleep. I always had this problem as a kid though, so it never really bothered me but it was one of the reasons I was always falling asleep in class.

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